Here’s a short post on why one should consider developing a segmented model when building credit risk scorecards to help optimize approval rates. While segmentation offers a variety of benefits, this post aims to offer a different perspective.
I will be reusing code from a previous post. Feel free to navigate to this post for additional information. Note that sample datasets are available for download from (here)
#install.packages("pacman") ## Install if needed
# p_load automatically installs packages if needed
p_load(dplyr, magrittr, scales, pROC)
Sample data
smple <- read.csv("../../../download/credit_sample.csv")
# Define target
codes <- c("Charged Off", "Does not meet the credit policy. Status:Charged Off")
smple %<>% mutate(bad_flag = ifelse(loan_status %in% codes, 1, 0))
# Some basic data cleaning
smple[] <- -1
smple %<>%
# Remove cases where home ownership and payment plan are not reported
filter(! home_ownership %in% c("", "NONE"),
pymnt_plan != "") %>%
# Convert these two variables into factors
mutate(home_ownership = factor(home_ownership),
pymnt_plan = factor(pymnt_plan))
Typically, credit risk scorecards would have segments like known goods
, known bads
, ever chaged off
etc. For simplicity, I will use the available FICO grade
variable in the dataset to segment known goods
and known bads
. For the purposes of this post, let’s focus on the known goods
customers (mostly because policy filters would remove the known bad customers).
smple %>%
group_by(grade) %>%
summarise(total = n(), bads = sum(bad_flag == 1)) %>%
mutate(event_rate = percent(bads / total))
## # A tibble: 7 × 4
## grade total bads event_rate
## <chr> <int> <int> <chr>
## 1 A 1882 68 3.6%
## 2 B 3056 239 7.8%
## 3 C 2805 373 13.3%
## 4 D 1435 257 17.9%
## 5 E 590 144 24.4%
## 6 F 182 65 35.7%
## 7 G 49 16 32.7%
Since the event rates are significantly higher, let’s keep borrowers who have a FICO grade
of "E", "F" & "G"
in the known bads
bucket and rest in the known goods
smple %<>%
mutate(segment = ifelse(grade %in% c("E", "F", "G"), "KB", "KG"))
smple %>%
group_by(segment) %>%
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
## segment n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 KB 821
## 2 KG 9178
Model training
Let’s train two separate sets models like so:
- One to the entire population
- And one model to the
known goods
# Create a formula object to be used across models
form <- as.formula(
"bad_flag ~
mths_since_last_delinq +
total_pymnt +
acc_now_delinq +
inq_last_6mths +
delinq_amnt +
mths_since_last_record +
mths_since_recent_revol_delinq +
mths_since_last_major_derog +
mths_since_recent_inq +
mths_since_recent_bc +
Model on the entire population
# Train Test split
idx <- sample(1:nrow(smple), size = 0.7 * nrow(smple), replace = F)
train <- smple[idx,]
test <- smple[-idx,]
# Using a GLM model for simplicity
mdl_pop <- glm(
formula = form,
family = "binomial",
data = train
# Get performance on entire sample
auc(test$bad_flag, predict(mdl_pop, test))
## Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
## Setting direction: controls < cases
## Area under the curve: 0.6602
Now that we have a model, let’s assume an expected default propensity
target of 2%
. That is to say I can only approve those customers who I believe have an expected default propensity of 2%
or less. Given this, what would be my expected approval rate
? Note that I need to maximise my approval rate (to better utilise my applicant funnel).
# Output scaling function
scaling_func <- function(vec, PDO = 30, OddsAtAnchor = 5, Anchor = 700){
beta <- PDO / log(2)
alpha <- Anchor - PDO * OddsAtAnchor
# Simple linear scaling of the log odds
scr <- alpha - beta * vec
# Round off
return(round(scr, 0))
# Find the number of customers that can be approved such that
# the cumulative bad rate is <= target
smple %>%
filter(segment == "KG") %>% ## Filter on known goods only
mutate(pred = predict(mdl_pop, newdata = .), ## Generate predictions
score = scaling_func(pred), ## Scale output
total = n()) %>%
arrange(pred) %>%
mutate(rn = row_number(),
c_bad_rate = cumsum(bad_flag)/rn) %>%
filter(c_bad_rate <= 0.02) %>%
summarise(approve_count = n(),
total = mean(total),
score_cutoff = min(score),
bad_rate = sum(bad_flag)/n()) %>%
mutate(approval_rate = approve_count / total)
## approve_count total score_cutoff bad_rate approval_rate
## 1 818 9178 689 0.01833741 0.08912617
Based on the unsegmented
model, if we choose a score cutoff of >=689
, we should expect a bad rate of ~2%
at an approval rate of ~9%
Model on the known good population
# Filter on KG
sample_kg <- smple %>% filter(segment == "KG")
idx <- sample(1:nrow(sample_kg), size = 0.7 * nrow(sample_kg), replace = F)
train <- sample_kg[idx,]
test <- sample_kg[-idx,]
mdl_kg <- glm(
formula = form,
family = "binomial",
data = train
# Get performance on entire sample
auc(test$bad_flag, predict(mdl_kg, test))
## Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1
## Setting direction: controls < cases
## Area under the curve: 0.6496
To evaluate the through the door population better, let’s run some simulations. Let’s assume that only known good
customers will be assessed through the risk scorecard.
# Function to generate simulations
generate_sim <- function(mdl, nSim = 500, sample_size = 5000, cutoff = 650){
# Vectors to store output
bad_rates <- c()
approval_rates <- c()
for(i in 1:nSim){
out <- smple %>%
# Filter on KG segment
filter(segment == "KG") %>%
# Randomly sample with replacement
sample_n(sample_size, replace = T) %>%
# Generate model output
mutate(pred = predict(mdl, newdata = .),
score = scaling_func(pred)) %>%
filter(score >= cutoff) %>%
summarise(bad_rate = sum(bad_flag)/n(), app_rate = n() / sample_size)
# Store output
bad_rates[i] <- out$bad_rate
approval_rates[i] <- out$app_rate
# Plot output
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(density(bad_rates), main = "Event Rate")
abline(v = mean(bad_rates))
plot(density(approval_rates), main = "Approval Rate")
abline(v = mean(approval_rates))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# Simulate using the model built on the entire population
generate_sim(mdl_pop, cutoff = 689)
Based on the above simulations, when using the model trained on the entire population and using a threshold of >=689
the average simulated event rates and approval rates are close to the expected rates from before. But what if we use the model developed only on the known good population
smple %>%
filter(segment == "KG") %>% ## Filter on known goods only
mutate(pred = predict(mdl_kg, newdata = .), ## Generate predictions
score = scaling_func(pred), ## Scale output
total = n()) %>%
arrange(pred) %>%
mutate(rn = row_number(),
c_bad_rate = cumsum(bad_flag)/rn) %>%
filter(c_bad_rate <= 0.02) %>%
summarise(approve_count = n(),
total = mean(total),
score_cutoff = min(score),
bad_rate = sum(bad_flag)/n()) %>%
mutate(approval_rate = approve_count / total)
## approve_count total score_cutoff bad_rate approval_rate
## 1 904 9178 696 0.0199115 0.0984964
# Simulate using the model built only on the known good population
generate_sim(mdl_kg, cutoff = 696)
When using the known-good model, we can achieve a slightly higher approval rate keeping the event rate more or less the same. While the difference is not significant, a ~1% higher approval rate on a large funnel could be significant (psst. monthly targets anyone?).
While most modelers/data scientists understand this, explaining the need to build segmented models to a business owner can be easier if the impact can be linked to business outcomes 😉.
Thoughts? Comments? Helpful? Not helpful? Like to see anything else added in here? Let me know!